OLLI Members get a FREE
Computer Education Center
Which includes these Member Benefits...
- Member access to our Thursday Open Help Lab
- Member rates for all our technology classes
- Special Help & Support via Email
PLUS.. get our Technology eNewsetter

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Frequently Asked Questions
How do I find a class schedule?
The latest schedule of classes is always available on our web site, DiscoverSkills. Just mouse-over the "Lincoln Classes" button at the top and choose "Class Schedule" from the options.
If you'd like to see the schedule right now, CLICK HERE to visit the schedule page.
How do I register for classes?
There are 4 ways you can register for classes...
-- Call the CEC Lab at 402.328.2202 (Lincoln) and leave a message that includes your full name, phone number, and the class(es) you'd like to take
-- Email John at jlortz@discoverskills.com with the name(s) of the classes you want to take
-- Visit the Online Class Registration page on the DiscoverSkills site (CLICK HERE to go there now)
-- Stop by the Computer Lab at AgeWell and fill out the class registration form found on the back table, and leave the form on the front desk.
How much do classes cost?
With your free Computer Education Membership, you get special discount. Your first 5 class credits are only $24 each. Then, each subsequent class credit is $26 each.
Each 2-hour class "session" costs one credit. So for example, our "Using Facebook" class which is two-sessions would cost two class credits.
Also note that classes that are NOT hands-on with the computer all all priced at only $24 per session. Those classes include...
-- Getting Started with Windows 8
-- Using Your iPad & iPhone
-- iPad & iPhone Workshops
-- Using Your Digital Camera
Finally, you can retake any class for 1/2 price (either $13 for regular classes or $12 for non-hands-on classes).
Can I pre-pay and get discounted class credits?
Yes! After you have taken your first 5 class sessions (at $24 each), you can continue to get that same $24 class session rate by pre-purchasing 5 class credits for $120.
Pre-purchased credits never expire, and we will keep track of them for you!
When do I pay for classes?
You pay for a class at the computer lab when you attend the class.
If for some reason you are unable to attend a class you have registered to take, you are NOT charged for that class.
You can pay using by either using a class credit, a check (made out to "Immanuel") or cash.
We do NOT accept credit cards.
Where are your classes held?
All of our classes are held at the AgeWell Computer Education Center at The Landing. The address is 3500 Faulkner Drive, Lincoln, NE 68516.
The lab is located on the lower level, as part of the AgeWell Fitness Center.
The best place park is to the north of The Landing, in the lower parking lot.
CLICK HERE to visit a page that maps out where we are located.
What is the Thursday Open Lab?
As one of your member benefits, we offer a weekly FREE Open Lab session where a technology staff member is available to answer questions and give you one-on-one help with technology problems.
The Open Lab is every Thursday morning, from 10 AM to noon, and is first-come first-serve.
Note that the Open Lab is NOT available on holidays.
Do you have any other learning materials?
Yes we do! Besides our technology classes, for many of classes we also have supplemental books to support what we teach.
You can see copies of our latest books on the front table in the computer lab.
The books are for sale, and cost between $10 and $25 each.
To purchase a book, you can visit our online catalog (available in August, 2014) at catalog.discoverskills.com.
To Get More Information
- CALL: 402.328.2202 - leave your name and phone number
- EMAIL: jlortz@discoverskills.com
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